Portuguese Verb Table, Chapter 6/6

Chapter 6: Appendix

The sixth chapter contains additional verb lists.

 List 1:~ar-verbs with vocal-accentuation
   The verbs in this list end on "ar", have at least two vocals in their verb primitive and accentuate the verb primitive’s last one. They are conjugated following the ar-accent rules. Verbs in this list that end on ~car are built according to car in addition.
 List 2:~ir-verbs with vocal-accentuation
   The verbs in this list end on "ir", have at least two vocals in their verb primitive and accentuate the verb primitive’s last one. They are conjugated following the ir-accent rules.
 List 3:~iar-verbs
   The verbs in this list end on "iar’’ and are built following the ~iar rules.
 List 4:~ir (u, o)-verbs
   The verbs in this list end on "ir", have "u" as last vocal in the verb primitive and change this vocal to "o". They are conjugated following the ir (u, o) rules. Verbs in this list that end on ~gir are built according to gir in addition.
 List 5:~e..ir (1)-verbs
   The verbs in this list end on "ir", have "e" as last vocal in the verb primitive and change this vocal to "i". They are conjugated following the e..ir (1) rules.
 List 6:~e..ir (2)-verbs
   The verbs in this list end on "ir", have "e" as last vocal in the verb primitive and change this vocal to "i". They are conjugated following the e..ir (2) rules. Verbs in this list that end on ~guir are built according to guir in addition.
 List 7:~ter-verbs
   The verbs in this list are built following the ~ter rules.
 List 8:~uar-verbs
   The verbs in this list are built following the ~uar rules.
 List 9:~ver-verbs
   The verbs in this list are built following the ~ver rules.
 List 10:~vir-verbs
   The verbs in this list are built following the ~vir rules.

The verb lists shown here do not claim to be complete.
Please report missing verbs to: support@verbtime.com.

also see:
Chapter 1: General Information
Chapter 2: The regular verbs
Chapter 3: Vocal-dependent, irregular verbs
Chapter 4: The irregular verb-endings
Chapter 5: The irregular verbs
Chapter 6: Appendix

Copyright © Helmut Bischoff 2005-2024. All rights reserved
Copyright H.Bischoff 2005-2024. All rights reserved