Verbtime, verb table German

  General Information
  Regular verbs
  Irregular verbs
German Verb Table, Chapter 5/5

Chapter 5: Appendix

The fifth chapter contains additional verblists.

 List 1:separable verb prepositions
   This list contains the separable verb prepositions.
For example the verb "einsehen" is conjugated as "ich sehe ein" and not as "in einsehe".
 List 2:separable verb-prepositions (ignore)
   This list contains verbs whose beginning looks similar to a separable verb preposition. As however this are no verb prepositions, Verbtime keeps these verbs in a list in order to treat them like normal regular verbs.

One example is the verb "antworten", which seems to begin with the verb preposition "an". Its conjugation however is "ich antworte" and not "ich tworte an".
 List 3:non-separable verb prefixes
   This list contains the non-separable verb prefixes.
Verbs that start with such a prefix do normally build their Partizip II without "ge". Excepted from this are those verbs, that do only have one vocal in their verb primitive.
  • The verb "besorg(en)" has the two vocals "e" and "o" in its verb primitive and becomes "besorgt" in the Partzip II. It does not become "ge(be)sorgt".
  • The verb "beten" also begins with the characters "be" that could by mistake be taken for the prefix "be". As however "bet(en)" only has one vocal in its verb primitive, it is in anyway built with "ge" and becomes "gebetet".
  • The verb "beichten" has the two vocals "ei" in its verb primitive. Vocal combinations like "ei", "au", "eu" are pronounced like only one vocal and by that are counted like one vocal. Due to this its Partizip II is built as in the case of verb "beten" with "ge" to "gebeichtet".
 List 4:non-separable verb prefixes (ignore)
   This list contains verbs whose beginning looks similar to a non-separable verb prefix. As however this are no verb prefixes, Verbtime keeps these verbs in a list in order to treat them like normal regular verbs.

One example is the verb "beamen" that contains the two vocals "e" and "a" in its verb primitive and that seems to begin with the verb prefix "be". Its conjugation however is "ich habe gebeamt" and not "ich habe beamt".

Note: This list exists mainly to be able to treat non-German verbs. The "ea" in beamen for example is spoken like only one vocal and must thus be conjugated as if it only had one vocal.
 List 5:strong verbs
   This list contains the German strong verbs. A verb in this list is entered by indicating the vocal in the verb primitive that needs to be replaced as well as the two conjugation forms "Präteritum" and "Partizip II".

The item "pfeifen, ei, i, i" for instance means that the "ei" in "pfeifen" will be substituted in the Präteritum and Partizip II by "i", which means "pfiff" and "gepfiffen".
 List 6:strong verbs (ignore)
   This list contains verbs that look similar to strong verbs, but which are weak verbs in fact. Verbtime ignores these verbs and conjugates them as normal weak verbs.

One example here is the verb "begleiten". This verb originates from the weak verb "leiten" and not from the strong verb "gleiten".
 List 7:verbs with auxiliary verb "sein"
   This list contains all verbs that are conjugated using auxiliary verb "sein". Verbs that are not contained in this list are conjugated with "haben".
 List 8:verbs with auxiliary verb "sein" or "haben"
   This list contains all verbs that are conjugated using either auxiliary verb "sein" or "haben". Verbs that are not contained in this list are conjugated with "haben".
 List 9:Dative-reflexive verbs
   This list contains all Dative-reflexive verbs. These verbs are built in Singular I and Singular II with "mir" or "dir". Verbs that are not contained in this list are built as Accusative-reflexive verbs and are conjugated with "mich" or "dich" (default for all verbs).

These verblists shown here do not claim to be complete.
Please report missing verbs to:

also see:

Chapter 1: General Information
Chapter 2: The regular verbs
Chapter 3: verb-irregularities
Chapter 4: The irregular verbs
Chapter 5: Appendix

Copyright © Helmut Bischoff 2005-2023. All rights reserved
Copyright H.Bischoff 2005-2023. All rights reserved