Verbtime, Verb Table Dutch

  General Information
  Regular verbs
  Irregular verbs
Group II.a (ie-oo-o), Rule II.a, Conjugation

Rule II.a: Group 2a, strong verbs with pattern "ie-oo-o"

 II.aAbbreviation:ie-oo-o (#2a)
Description: "ie" for "oo/o" substitution for strong verbs, whose verb primitives end on "ie" and that are followed by one arbitrary consonant.
Example verb: 3.bieden (strong verb)
Application: -the verb's verb primitive ends on "ie" and is followed by a consonant.
-the "ie" is replaced by a double, respectively single "o", e.g. "wij boden", not "wij biedden".

  Applies for (weak verbs):
OTT (Present): -
OVT (Past): -
Imperatief: -
Voltooid Deelwoord (Past Participle):-
  Applies for (strong verbs):
OTT (Present): -
OVT (Past): Singular I-III (oo), Plural I-III (o)
Imperatief: -
Voltooid Deelwoord (Past Participle):always (o)
OVT (Past):weak: "vieren" => "ik vierde", not "ik voor"
OVT (Past):strong: "bieden" => "ik bood", not "ik biedde"
Detection: Verbtime detects "ie-verbs" automatically as strong verbs. If a verb shall however be built weak/regularly, then it must be included in the list of strong verbs (ignore).

also see:
Overview - Verb irregularities

Copyright © Helmut Bischoff 2005-2023. All rights reserved
Copyright H.Bischoff 2005-2023. All rights reserved